What is the value of an architect to a city, region or even a country? An architect is like an artist or a creator whose vision and dream can inspire an entire region or people.

All over the world and since the earliest days, works of architecture and construction have inspired generations and countries even centuries after their construction. From the pyramids of Giza, the hanging gardens of Babylon, Aztec and Mayan temples, Taj Mahal, magnificent temples of South India and grand structures of stations, headquarters displaying the might and grandeur of the British empire. Among many others. Closer to date, architects such as Frank Gehry’s masterful design of Guggenheim in Bilbao and Zaha Hadid’s Heydar Aliyev Center museum in Baku, Azerbaijan transformed the cities in more ways than one.

Closer to home in Dubai, a similar trend was seen with the awe inspiring architecture of marque projects such as #burjalarab in the 1990s, Burj Khalifa in the 2000s and museum of the future last year.

Value of an Architect

These landmarks have helped Dubai stay on the world map even decades after their construction and attracted millions of tourists from around the world. The revenue generated from these monoliths as well as the ancillary businesses such as travel, hospitality, retail, entertainment, dining, leisure etc is mind boggling. Add to that the positive secondary effect on the business environment in the Dubai and the UAE in terms of fresh investments, business opportunities, real estate and finance. the initial investment pays itself back many times over and continues to do so.

But the real contribution of these landmarks and their architectural design is their uniqueness and timelessness. The value is intangible and priceless. Much more than just the hard numbers suggest such as revenue, dollars, visitors, investments. etc. The architect has translated Dubai’s vision into reality using glass, steel and concrete. The museum of the future showcases the dreams of the Dubai and its people and inspires billions across the globe. It is about creating hope and belief that anything is possible and can be achieved in this City of the Future. Our architectural consultancy in Dubai adds value to your project and experience.

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